For the fun of it we made an Android app allowing a sender phone and a receiver phone to act as a remote control. The reciever phone is connected to a Polulo Maestro servo card with Usb Host.
It work pretty fine actually.
We use some nice piece of communication software (from another project) enabeling mobilphones to communicate peer to peer bypasing NAT restrictions using no server in between. This software also allow for logical peer identites without any spesific account or setting, just figure a peer name and connect. (so it make it very easy to connect with a standard phone connected to internett with 3g/4g)
Why not use mobilphones for controller directly, it have everything, gps, gyro, accelerometer (+ easy programmable i java) ?
Damd autocorrect. A little unpractcal
Call me up when ever you like. or Skype: leifauke
Was flying again last weekend. It stiller work. A litte i practical ising the phone screen 'gimbal' intefase, but with some practice it works and plane are pretty controllable. :)
Shold have a remote controll gimbal inteface to input to phone instead. Easier to controll.
@Leif & @Martin,
sry for my very late Reply. Let´s follow up ; will have enough time till beginning of new year.
So, if u want, let´s have some conversation.
Looked your youtube... Kul!!!
I would like to implement streaming into my test app to see if it works.
The m2 software do pretty mush the same as you did (i suppose) figure the public IP address of the phone. This software is basically designed for the purpose of addressing of peers and to handle NAT when peers are located on a subnets, (The case on most phone networks).
Ref to som explain how it works:
Would you like a cooperation (for fun) ??
Hi Sven,
Thanks for sharing the info. What platform did you use for video encoding and streaming?
Hi Leif,
we did some similar with UAVs and UGVs. I figure out to get a fixed public IP over 3G and 4G-Networks. I prefer 3G for doing the R/C. I know, there is a little more Latency (roundabout 80ms / 4G <30ms possible) The HandOver is the gist. Actually 4G-Networks can´t handle a HandOver (Every time we did this the FailSafe would be activated cause it needs to long to say bye-bye to one Base and do the HandShake with the new one. In Case of 3G it´s a thing of milliseconds; means seamless. ;) R/C over IP : 1. by using public cellular network or 2. by using a PtP-Connection with regular WiFi-Components (we use a ballon as Repeater > 100m up in the air means >30km connection @line of sight)btw FPV over Cellular works fine: 720p25@2Mbit/s with a Latency <200ms ;)
....Nice to see that there is something going on ;)
UGV: R/C and FPV over Cellular
FPV with a drone by using cellular
I see there is a rasberry pi zero comming out with smaller size and without all this unnessesary ports to externals.
Q: ..... Could anoyone wire for ex. a polulo maestro or another servo card to it, and attach a 3g dongle, (or wifi) i can provide the software to comunicate and control it :)
Its all java an run very nicely on rpi.
Very impressing work Leif. You can use a 45 degree mirror to use the camera from the phone, a little periscope :) You can even make it on a gimbal...
@Vitor Ramalho -> Yes :)
(That works basically, but to make it practically useful it need to be packet into some compressed format like H.264 or something) -> It remains to be done. :)
For a practical app the mobile phone will be located inside a drone or a model plane, so make that practical it should have an external camera.
I use a 24 channel Polulo Maestro servo card, so it’s plenty of channels to also support a camera gimbal (actually) :)
@Leif You can always try to transmit the own smartphone camera video.