Hi DiyDrone,
my name is Piotr. I live in Poland. I was born 36 years ago... Since 21 years I'm designing various devices.
Currently I work as a team leader and project manager in the RCConcept Flying Technology:
For two years, our team is working on a flying multicopter platforms. All platforms are called the HORNET:
My favorite platform is the Hornet-X4S-XS:
- Flight Controller: ArduCopter APM
- Frame: RCConcept Hornet-S6L-AHS10180
- BL Motor: EMAX GT2215/12
I know that English is not my forte, but I tried to write correctly what I mean. More info (for example: who is my wife, how many children I've) can be found in the section "About Me" ;-).
I look on myself! Drones flying everywhere...
The ESC looks quite unusual (and it's fairly expensive, $73 USD?). Is there something special about it? Perhaps it's an I2C ESC?
Welcome Piotr to the DIYdrone world. Your english is good :D