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  • Thanks for the info on Pelican cases.

    @Robert -- You're probably right.  I got a video camera delivered by UPS in a box that looked more like a ball than a box.  I was amazed they had the gall to actually deliver it.  Needless to say, I rejected the package.  I'm sure lots of folks have similar stories.

  • Moderator

    Something like this:


  • Pelican cases are burly - I use them to ship my geophysical kit all over.  I accedtntally dropped my ground penetrating radar off a shelf - about 8 feet high - onto a concrete floor and nothing was damaged.

    A modified Arducopter would fit in a 1600.

  • Judging by the condition of the majority of packages I get, I don't think these are isolated incidents at all.  Merely they are only one bump of many the parcels endure, but the only one that was caught on tape.


    I ordered some furniture from Costco a few years ago.  It was a knocked-down particle board computer desk.  It took 3 deliveries to get one that I would accept.  The first two I sent back because the boxes were badly damaged, torn open, and the "wood" was significantly damaged. I couldn't believe they even attempted delivery in that condition.

  • Paul, it's heavy duty cases, like the ones used to carry fire arms or top eqquipment, like Otter box :)


  • @chet -- OK, I'll bite, what's a Pelican case?  (Don't feel like Googling at the moment.)  :)


  • FedEx responded rapidly to the monitor-over-the-fence incident.

    "FedEx said it has identified the employee in the video and is working within its disciplinary policy about the incident. The employee is no longer working with customers."

    FedEx YouTube video response:

    Well, with 290,000 employees (full time, part time, contract, whatever), there are bound to be a few bad apples.

  • Why we love Pelican cases!

  • You are all lucky to not knowing "la poste", "la poste" is pure evil, the concentration of all the demonic forces of the universe. In videos here, parcel are (badly) delivered, but with "la poste", delivery guy hands you a trap !!! A little piece of paper which ask you to come at office ("lightening sound effet"). 1h to park your car, 2/3 days to wait in the queue because on the 10 reception desk, only one and half are open.... yes the legendary "la poste" half desk. And when finally, at the end of the 3th days, you are front of receptionist, the guy tell you "sorry, 17h01, we're closed"........ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  • With the cameras so perfectly placed, you have to think some of this is staged.  Real drivers in real situations have to know they're being observed with or without cameras.  I can't believe they would last a week in their jobs.  If this is real, these guys have to have been fired already.  At least one can hope.

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