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    excellent video

  • Technical specification of the DFC-X1 camera drone crashed in Italy

    Imaginery by Europort

  • Are we sure that depleted battery in the cold can be ruled out? Hirscher was the second last skier that mattered. So even if the remaning battery would have become marginal (even more accelerated due to temperature), there could have been quite some psychological pressure on the pilot to stay up there and film the topshots....

  • The one thing that you all seem to miss out on is the high radio frequency use at these sort of events. The background RF noise level will be very high and they will be using frequencies from VHF to SHF.  This will include licensed frequencies and license exempt equipment. There might also be the mobile network operators deploying COW (Cell on Wheels) to enhance coverage and capacity. There will be a good chance that a Wi-Fi network for 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz would have been installed and that will not include all the other users on 2.4/5Ghz who might setup their own equipment.

    Now there will be others who use 2.4Ghz for spreadspectrum communications, this could be cctv, sports presentation, belt packs, all sorts of yucky stuff thrown in a small area of radio spectrum.

    Spectrum co-ordination is a MUST at these large events and this includes having everyone register every bit of radio equipment (licensed or license exempt it does not matter it transmit it gets registered with the exception of mobile phone handsets and devices access WAP).

    You will be amazed at the amount of frequencies that will be getting used. They could be in their 100s very easily. Also some of the devices might be pretty high powered and if they are not "Tagged & Tested" they could be operating outwith the license agreement and therefore stand more chance of blocking/interfering with other radio systems.

    I would like to learn more about the log and what can be shown in them in particular relation to loss of radio communications.

    One last thing, don't believe the HYPE about spread spectrum and frequency hopping to avoid interference, if there is NO clear frequency and everyone is using kit doing the same thing on the same band then it turns into one big mess.



  • "interference on the operating frequency" is the "dog ate my homework" for all drone pilots everywhere.  Remember that.  :-)

  • @Bill,

    we can spend days, weeks , months on speculations.

    Pls read my C&P

    WooKong-M Waypopint Precautions 

    to get answer to your question about failsafe algorithm with DJI.

    It looks like the Italian Government has violated drone fly basic safety standards,

    having failed to adopt EU regulation on drone fly safety rules in Europe to ban drone fly over the crowd.

    My last C&P since necessary and required to clear the facts




     FIS statement read.


    "Even if -- unlike in Austria, Switzerland and other countries -- drones are authorized to fly over a crowd during events in Italy, FIS and the host broadcaster will work together with all the involved parties to see what occurred during the crash and ensure that this will not happen again."


  • Developer

    @Daruis, I have no idea what you are saying other than cut and pasting text into comments. What's your point?

    The question is, why did the operator engage the nuclear option, and why wasn't the normal failsafes engaged, i.e. hover on signal loss, return to home etc...?

  • Drone + Parachute

    Flight Termination System developed in 2011

    Flight Termination System - Italy standards

    In Italy to be able to pilot a drone is necessary that the drone is equipped with a safety device "  ...

    This "device" is needed only if you have a license to operate in cities and in very crowded areas. In Italy, If you fly for fun, you do not need that, provided you fly out of cities and over not crowded areas (the rules define a not crowded area if there are "less than 12 people" - funny).

  • Bill, the Flight Termination system is a separate system using it's own radio link, possibly on a different frequency even.  Supposedly that is why that functioned when radio control was lost.

    I think the regulators need to start demanding to know why the failsafes do no not appear to be working on the DJI systems.  In my opinion, it's not a failsafe event, but a bug in the navigation controller.

    Gary, they do have logs, but the data is very sparse, and it's usually impossible to figure out what happened. For example, from what I've seen, they log what the attitude is.  But now how or why it go there.  I've tried to analyze them before, but all it showed was that it rolled over.  It did not show if the roll was intentional.

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