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  • A comment to Rana:

    So far I will only use analog output gyros. I've developed several small vehicles that use propellers rotating say 6000 Rpm and less. If you're running say a 50 hz autopilot you really must watch out for aliasing in your sensors. The lower the noise source frequency the bigger the problem will be. So far the economical digital inertial sensors that I've seen would not give me the noise immunity that I need in a high vibratory environment.
  • And your point would be?

    (Other than to be a troll)
  • Just wanted to make it clear: InvenSense 3 axis is a SINGLE CHIP 3 axis gyro product,
    ST is three axis single package, not SINGLE chip, product. Anyone can stick three gyros into a fat package....
  • Admin
    @Doug ,it comes with X-UFO which is toy quad copter , don't know if it is sold now? I got mine few years back from ToysRUs. for little over 200$
  • Developer
    @NS Rana,

    Sounds like your Chinese mechanical gyro is really a 3 axis magnetometer. What is the cost and source?
  • "Comment by Jack Crossfire on November 16, 2009 at 3:57pm
    With the $50 RTK GPS modules coming online, it doesn't take much of a gyro to maintain heading anymore. Time to pick up some $5 lidar modules. "

    Where can I find 5$ lidar modules?!?!?!
  • Quite a small case. I like analog because it's easy to work with. Now all the arduIMU designs have a new gyro for their next revision. Its hard to keep up with these new gyro releases but I'm not complaining!
  • For accelerometers I have been looking at ST's AIS326 3 axis digital (+/- 2g) and so far like it better than the 7260 analog. Mainly because it comes closely calibrated from the factory and has 12 bits of digital accuracy which can easily get lost in micro a/d's. I can post plots if any one is interested.
  • After seeing the datasheets od ITG3200 & LYPR540AH, it is clear that both the devices are 3 axis gyroscopes.
    ITG3200 is a 3-axis digital gyroscope where as LYPR540AH is 3-axis analog output gyroscope.

    Angus, I have a Chinease 3-D Mechanical Gyro mounted in the X-UFO, similar to Quadrocopter.
    It has 3 Hall sensors mounted in three orientations such that whereever the motor with rotating disc tilts, the change in magnetic flux is communicated by the Hall sensors.

    I have seen almost zero vibration issue in this type of gyro, what u guys think about it ?
  • Randy, check out the ITG-3200 I mentioned in the post.
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