APM 1.4 'ap' was not declared in this scope

Hi all, 

I am trying to program the board to fly with X-plane.

I did the configuration for the sketchbook, but I still get the following error message from Arduino:

AP_State.pde: In function 'void set_home_is_set(bool)':

AP_State:6: error: 'ap' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:8: error: 'DATA_SET_HOME' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:8: error: 'Log_Write_Event' was not declared in this scope
AP_State.pde: In function 'void set_armed(bool)':
AP_State:14: error: 'ap' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:16: error: 'DATA_ARMED' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:16: error: 'Log_Write_Event' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:19: error: 'DATA_DISARMED' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:19: error: 'Log_Write_Event' was not declared in this scope
AP_State.pde: In function 'void set_auto_armed(bool)':
AP_State:26: error: 'ap' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:28: error: 'DATA_AUTO_ARMED' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:28: error: 'Log_Write_Event' was not declared in this scope
AP_State.pde: In function 'void set_simple_mode(bool)':
AP_State:35: error: 'ap' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:37: error: 'DATA_SET_SIMPLE_ON' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:37: error: 'Log_Write_Event' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:39: error: 'DATA_SET_SIMPLE_OFF' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:39: error: 'Log_Write_Event' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:42: error: 'ap' was not declared in this scope
AP_State.pde: In function 'void set_failsafe(bool)':
AP_State:50: error: 'ap' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:59: error: 'failsafe_off_event' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:60: error: 'DATA_FAILSAFE_OFF' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:60: error: 'Log_Write_Event' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:65: error: 'failsafe_on_event' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:66: error: 'DATA_FAILSAFE_ON' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:66: error: 'Log_Write_Event' was not declared in this scope
AP_State.pde: In function 'void set_low_battery(bool)':
AP_State:75: error: 'ap' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:76: error: 'DATA_LOW_BATTERY' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:76: error: 'Log_Write_Event' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:78: error: 'ap' was not declared in this scope
AP_State.pde: In function 'void set_takeoff_complete(bool)':
AP_State:85: error: 'DATA_TAKEOFF' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:85: error: 'Log_Write_Event' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:87: error: 'ap' was not declared in this scope
AP_State.pde: In function 'void set_land_complete(bool)':
AP_State:94: error: 'DATA_LAND_COMPLETE' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:94: error: 'Log_Write_Event' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:96: error: 'ap' was not declared in this scope
AP_State.pde: In function 'void set_rtl_reached_alt(bool)':
AP_State:103: error: 'DATA_RTL_REACHED_ALT' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:103: error: 'Log_Write_Event' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:105: error: 'ap' was not declared in this scope
AP_State.pde: In function 'void set_alt_change(uint8_t)':
AP_State:111: error: 'alt_change_flag' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:113: error: 'REACHED_ALT' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:114: error: 'DATA_REACHED_ALT' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:114: error: 'Log_Write_Event' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:116: error: 'ASCENDING' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:117: error: 'DATA_ASCENDING' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:117: error: 'Log_Write_Event' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:119: error: 'DESCENDING' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:120: error: 'DATA_DESCENDING' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:120: error: 'Log_Write_Event' was not declared in this scope
AP_State.pde: In function 'void set_compass_healthy(bool)':
AP_State:126: error: 'ap' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:128: error: 'DATA_LOST_COMPASS' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:128: error: 'Log_Write_Event' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:131: error: 'ap' was not declared in this scope
AP_State.pde: In function 'void set_gps_healthy(bool)':
AP_State:136: error: 'ap' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:138: error: 'DATA_LOST_GPS' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:138: error: 'Log_Write_Event' was not declared in this scope
AP_State:141: error: 'ap' was not declared in this scope
AP_State.pde: In function 'void dump_state()':
AP_State:146: error: 'ap' was not declared in this scope
ArduCopter.pde: At global scope:
ArduCopter:144: error: redefinition of 'FastSerial Serial'
ArduPlane:85: error: 'FastSerial Serial' previously declared here
ArduCopter.pde: In function 'void __vector_25()':

and the error keeps on going.. 

I can post the complete error, but it was too long. please let me know if you want me to post the entire error message.

Anyone has any idea why I am getting this error?

Thanks so much!

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  • To fly autonomous I need to go through Arduino, right?

  • 3D Robotics

    You don't need Arduino for Xplane. Just click the "HIL" version in the Mission Planner and it will load automatically. 

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