Newcomer Project

Hello all !
I am new to drones and I have a lot of questions. I am a 27 years old web developper, and I did electronics in the past. I can build things and I understand some airplane basics.
What I want to do : a multi-rotor drone like an Arducopter (Quad or Hexa), wich can stream video to the RC (so I need a RC with screen I think ? I dont need high definition, just a direct view from the front of the drone). I am interested by manual flight, and I dont really want to do automated flights. A failsafe system for battery or radio signal loss is a GREAT plus :)
What I need ? The problem is I don't know what is compatible with what, and I need warnings if some things are really hard for "newbies".
What price ? 400-1000$ if possible, I dont know the prices... I suppose I will need some spare, batteries...
Thank you in advance for your answers ;)

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  • Maybe should I start with a ready-to-fly kit + battery and spare kit ? I saw a OSD / FPV option too, FPV seem to be video transmission, but on what screen does it display ? Do I need a special RC ?

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