Need a hand configuring RFD900

Hi.  I was hoping someone could lend me a hand configuring a pair of RFD900 radios.  I've really been striking out getting them to pair.  I've tried several 1.x firmwares, and the latest 2.3.

Using any of the 1.x firmware I can only retrieve settings from the local radio using the mission planner.  It doesn't mater which modem, they both respond to local AT commands.  (Side note: The mission planner is unable to retrieve any settings when I use the 2.3 firmware.  I've watched it in the terminal, and the modem will answer the escape sequence with OK, but mission planner keeps issuing +++. )

So, AT commands work on either modem, RT commands fail.  I've confirmed this using minicom.

Could someone please share their working config, or take a look at mine?  I would really appreciate it.  I've been hacking on this for too long.  The current led state is the base has a solid green, and the air radio is blinking green.

Here is my current config using 2.3

Base radio:

[0] MP SiK 2.3 on RFD900A                                                       
[0] S0: FORMAT=27                                                               
[0] S1: SERIAL_SPEED=57                                                         
[0] S2: AIR_SPEED=64                                                            
[0] S3: NETID=124                                                               
[0] S4: TXPOWER=27                                                              
[0] S5: ECC=0                                                                   
[0] S6: MAVLINK=1                                                               
[0] S7: OPPRESEND=1                                                             
[0] S8: MIN_FREQ=915000                                                         
[0] S9: MAX_FREQ=928000                                                         
[0] S10: NUM_CHANNELS=50                                                        
[0] S11: DUTY_CYCLE=100                                                         
[0] S12: LBT_RSSI=0                                                             
[0] S13: MANCHESTER=0                                                           
[0] S14: RTSCTS=0                                                               
[0] S15: NODEID=0                                                               
[0] S16: NODEDESTINATION=65535                                                  
[0] S17: SYNCANY=0                                                              
[0] S18: NODECOUNT=2 

Air radio:

[1] MP SiK 2.3 on RFD900A                                                       
[1] S0: FORMAT=27                                                               
[1] S1: SERIAL_SPEED=57                                                         
[1] S2: AIR_SPEED=64                                                            
[1] S3: NETID=124                                                               
[1] S4: TXPOWER=27                                                              
[1] S5: ECC=0                                                                   
[1] S6: MAVLINK=1                                                               
[1] S7: OPPRESEND=1                                                             
[1] S8: MIN_FREQ=915000                                                         
[1] S9: MAX_FREQ=928000                                                         
[1] S10: NUM_CHANNELS=50                                                        
[1] S11: DUTY_CYCLE=100                                                         
[1] S12: LBT_RSSI=0                                                             
[1] S13: MANCHESTER=0                                                           
[1] S14: RTSCTS=0                                                               
[1] S15: NODEID=1                                                               
[1] S16: NODEDESTINATION=65535                                                  
[1] S17: SYNCANY=0                                                              
[1] S18: NODECOUNT=2   


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  • Just to follow up.  I ended up contacting the manufacturer, they instructed me to install the latest 1.9 build and do a factory reset, which I did, and it had no effect.  So they are going to swap them out for me.

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