Beginners help

Hi all

I am currently a pro photographer and looking to branch out to aerial photography and film.

I have just acquired this kit but won’t get it for a few weeks yet

DJI F550 RTF Hexacopter with Naza v2 GPS & Dt7 tx

Spektrum DX8 & AR8000 Rx

DJI mini iOSD

RC 7inch Moitor & 600mW Tx

DJI Zenmus H3-3D Go pro Gimbal

AeroXcraft Landing skinds

DJI Ground station & 2.4 ghz Data link and bluetooth

Turnigy 50w charger with PSU

I have spent time sifting through the internet but have a couple of questions.

I assume I can only use a Go pro on my gimbal mount unless I spend more money. How good will the footage be with a Gopro 4 mounted on it. Will it be good enough create professional looking video/photographs from the air. If not can anyone suggest what cost affective gimbal and camera(SLR) I can upgrade to.

Will the body work on the drone be visible when shooting video with the Zenmus  H3-3D ?

Why are the DJI phantoms so popular, it seems a lot of pros are using them ?

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