
ArduPilot Firmware Version 2.6

ArduPilot Firmware Version 2.5.1

ArduPilot Firmware Version 2.5.1 has been renamed to ArduPilot Firmware Version 2.6

ArduPilot 2.5 is not yet officially released, but ArduPilot 2.5.1 is already moving into the alpha testing phase.  2.5 was a huge change from 2.4.  The main goals for 2.5.1 are a bit more modest:

  1. Support integration of ArduIMU.
  2. Implement a new loop timing structure to better manage processor load.
  3. Change the throttle and elevator control laws to be based on airspeed control via throttle and total energy (energy height) control via throttle.  For airframes without an airspeed sensor use a 3 or 5 point throttle curve based on desired climb/descent
  4. Use a general PID controller function to implement all control laws for simplicity and flexibility
  5. Support for the new groundstation (if it arrives fairly soon)

In addition I hope to iron out some support issues for various airframes and configurations such as airframes using elevons (flying wings, deltas, etc.).

Other functionality which has been looked at but not really worked out that could find its way in to 2.5.1 includes
  1. Support for waypoint upload by xbee (probably only for thermopile setups though)
  2. Support for some integration between Remzibi OSD and ArduPilot
  3. Other requests???

Current status: Well the weather has been pretty poor lately but I did get in two flights today testing the STABILIZE and FLY BY WIRE modes using ArduIMU rather than thermopiles.  So the code is in a somewhat flyable state.   I would like to start working with a small group of alpha testers to continue developing and refining the code.  You do not need to be a programmer type to participate, but you should expect to run in to issues and communicate with the team to help solve them.  If you expect something that "works out of the box" then please look at 2.5 and do not respond to this.  If interested please message me.  Include a statement that you are interested in 2.5.1 in friend requests.  Thanks

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  • i cant find the hardware for the ardupilot mega imu shield any ideas?
  • Does the ArduPilot 2.6.0 Beta Release support thermopiles?
  • I thought the functionalities added in this version of Ardupilot & Ardustation brilliant. It has uplink to the plane and also monitors the connectivity between the plane and Ardustation, battery, etc.
    Can that be incorporated in the 2.6 firmware or maybe this 24x version be upgraded to the 2.6?
    I really liked the idea and it should be a must having the best of the two in one!

  • R987 won't compile because of this ...

    " init_ardupilot(); "


    " decode_gps(); "

    Am I doing something wrong ??

  • Thanks Chris, I knew that but being an old man I fergot !
  • Developer
    I posted R952 earlier today which has an important bug fix if you are flying with an airspeed sensor.

    After correcting that bug the airspeed hold was working well. I was holding 25 m/sec +- 1.5 during some very demanding maneuvering. I should be able to do even better with some tuning.

    Also, at this time I would recommend using the throttle slew rate limiter if you are flying with an airspeed sensor. I may need to tweak the total energy (energy height) throttle control law to be less sensitive to airspeed variation.
  • There is a small mistake here, in the code ArduImu.

    In function 'void printdata ()':
    error: 'imu_health' was not Declared in this scope In function 'void printPerfData (long int)':

    It happens when PERFORMANCE_REPORTING == 0
    The reason is: unsigned int imu_health = 65012; in section arduimu
    The variable is not defined for the future, and is used in Section Output.
  • I just had an idea for how to uplink with 2.6 and the IMU. I haven't looked at 2.6 yet(where is it?),but I have been keeping up with this blog. The Ardu IMU is recieving the GPS just like the Ardupilot does using thermo's. Need to connect the Xbee Txo to the IMU's Rxi shared though a multiplexer with the GPS just like i do now with the Ardupilot. The IMU will poll the Xbee buffer for any uplinked commands. This takes very little time if no data has been sent, so it shouldn't load the processor very much. less time than reading the GPS. IMU will have to decode the received data and put it in the regular data stream to the Ardupilot. The work never ends when your having fun :)

  • Hi All,

    Sorry for bad English, but I think I understand.

    Firstly, I wish to congratulate the team for good work.

    With version 2.5.02 and later, I'm not getting the correct information on some items at Ground Station and would like help from friends.

    It may be a mistake, or my equipment, but I need help.

    1 - The reading of the battery has incorrect information and should be + / - 12.0 v
    2 - The local altitude in my town is + / - 412 m. and information on the Ground Station is + / - 41,200 m - (100 x more)
    3 - I have no information percentage of engine power.

    Here a video showing my doubts, but no conversation.

    Annex follows the file EasyStar_25.h

    My Setup:
    Futaba Radio 9CAP
    Ardupilot 2.5.04
    V2 Shield (Blue)
    EM-406 GPS
    XYZ Thermopile


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