Extract GPS data from Pixhawk log


It there a way to dump/export the following data into a csv format from the dataflash log?

Lat, Long, Alt, Date, Time(HH:MM:SS:SS)

It seems there is a way to plot a flight on the map after the fact, and looking for access to that data.


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  • The log file is already basically a CSV file (after it is downloaded through Mission Planner at least). You can simply import it into Excel and specify the content as being delimited by commas or you can alter the file extension to .csv and open it directly. The top part of the file is a header along with a number of FMT and PARAM lines. Below these the actual data starts. You will be interested in the lines starting with 'GPS'. The field content and order correspond to the same fields that appear in MP when you review a log.

    • Awesome, thanks James!

      Does the GPS data get logged by default to the logs, or does the bitmask need to be set to NearlyAll?

      Will check it out now.

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