Fail Safe auto landing/slow descent feature?

Just wondering if this will also be included or is this something already possible?

In-case you lost signal or became out of range, the quad would slowly descend and land using sonar etc.

Also in a low battery condition, etc...

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  • As far as I know it is already possible but not implemented nor on the roadmap (on the latter I am maybe wrong)

    Not easy to implement but possible. If I am not wrong the ArdupiratesNG code has a failsafe function that activates GPS and Altitude Hold once the connectioon with the reciever is lost.

    This is a basic failsafe function, and I don't think anyone ever tested it.... hehehe :)

    I am a bit concerned about auto landing (What if you are on top of some high trees or a small river or a very deep canyon???) the best would be a Return to Home with GPS, and this I think is on its way with the new ArducopterMega code... maybe?


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