Help! Newbie who got in too deep, too fast!

I want to apologize up front for any repetitiveness of this thread. I found some help from previous posts, but I'm still not out of the fire yet. 

All of my problems started because the radio for my Iris+ was not receiving any flight data. Everything (altitude, speed, satellites, battery) reading zero. I hooked my Iris+ up to mission planner after reading something about uploading beta firmware. I worked my way through all of the calibrating/wizard. Thats when all the issues started. Due to the fact that its raining outside right now, its hard for me to make changes and test. Anyway, all i want to know is how to get my Iris+ back to factory completely. I thought I successfully did it. I went to initial settings - mandatory hardware- frame type - load default frame parameters - scrolled down the list until i found iris+. I was told after loading the default frame parameters, it was not necessary to go through the wizard since its a RTF model. So i test my new settings (when i had loaded the beta firmware, i was immediately getting a low battery sound..the battery is completely charged) indoors. Plug the battery in, it makes its usual tones, and then I watch the gimbal try to level out. It shutters around a bit, then stops. I try turning what I believe is the ch.6 knob, and the gimbal moves erratically, shutters...stops....repeats. Does the gimbal use GPS? Am i having this problem because I'm sitting indoors? I feel like I should be able to turn the ch.6 knob, and the tilt of the gimbal should change accordingly (like it did before i screwed everything up!). I guess what I'm asking is, can someone please help a newbie out with some step by step instructions on how to get this rig completely back to stock configurations? I'm mad at myself for digging too deep too fast. 

Want to add some additional info/question:

When i drop down the menu with all of the frame parameters, i see iris+, and i see iris with tarot gimbal. Which one do I use?

And does anyone have any idea why my radio wouldn't be receiving any flight data after pushing and holding the "DN" button?

Thanks guys! Any responses are much appreciated!

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  • You should open a ticket in and ask for the proper firmware and instructions.

    • I literally just did that, haha. Aram over there at 3DR was a huge help. Thanks for the response though!

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