Pixhawk uBlox LEA6H configuration file


I hope somebody can help me to configure the GPS from Ardupilot Mega 2.6 to Pixhawk. If I connect is with 6-6 cable and i2c to pixhawk the ap not recognize it, and not use it. 

I try to update the software from ublox with ucenter and then upload the confg file from 3dr, and now the pixhawk can see it, but the gps signal is lost very often. 

In the uploading process of config file, is many lines wich is not compatible with this wersion of firmware. If the pixhawk working well with lea6h, is it possible to exist another config file to it?

I appreciate your help.

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  • Admin


    I am attaching two files that I have used to update a 3DR uBlox LEA-6 v1.1 for use on a newer APM or a Pixhawk. The 3DR GPS/compass module v1.2 should work without any updating of the firmware.

    The 3DR_Ubloz_CE file is the latest configuration file and the EXT_G60 is the final firmware update for the LEA-6 H GPS module.


    TCIII ArduRover2 Developer 



    • When schould we use "Pedestrian" navigation mode?

      Can someone explain a bit more on this.

      • So far, i've figured that pedestrian mode should be used for X-copters, while airborne for airplanes.

    • Thomas, 

      today I tried to upload the firmware and config file. All uploaded well and pixhawk sees the satellites without any glitching or signal lost. 

      Im pretty sure, not this firmware or config file on the other modules wich sells to apm2.6. I have 4 of them an only one works with pixhawk, which i updated with your files.

      Thank again, it solved the problem. 

    • Thank you thomas,

      my LEA6H GPS version is v1.2. 

      I attached the log screenshot here, where clearly visible the gps glitching before and under autotune. Another thing is, when I use it with ucenter sees 11-14 satellites at the same time, here the 9 is the maximum. 


      • Admin


        All of the 3DR GPS/compass modules that I have used with my Pixhawks have been plug and play with no updating required.

        I typically get 12 -14 sats and an HDOP of 1.2 - 1.5 here in southern Florida.


        TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

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