




Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

I work on IMUs for Virtual Reality

Activity Feed

Ahmad Byagowi commented on Chris Anderson's blog post ArduIMU V4 on Kickstarter
"Thanks Chris, I fixed the Chronological mistake on the kickstarter page."
Oct 8, 2014
Ahmad Byagowi commented on Chris Anderson's blog post ArduIMU V4 on Kickstarter
"BTW, you can see a handful of demos using the ArduIMU V4 in the following video
Sep 29, 2014
Ahmad Byagowi commented on Chris Anderson's blog post ArduIMU V4 on Kickstarter
"@mP1: Yes, the pressure, humidity, light, acc, gyro, mag and battery monitor are on the I2C bus. The I2C bus is also available for expansion or reading the sensors using another uC as well. "
Sep 29, 2014