Harrison Cassidy's Discussions (6)

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Telemetry maximum update rate

Hey guys,

I wondered if anyone could tell me what the maximum number of refreshes you can do per second when you have a telemetry system attached. I know this differs depending on packet loss and signal strength but what is the maximum rate you can up

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Engines for UAVs


I have been doing research over the last week or so into how you could build a UAV that could replicate what can be done by MQ-1s (Reapers) and other high-cost military vehicles. One thing that seems to be concurrent across most medium ~ large

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PTZ FPV Camera

I wondered if anyone has come across a camera which is able to Pan, Tilt and (crucially) Zoom which can be controlled via RC reciever or Arduino (via APM) and work as a FPV camera. I am looking to put together plans for the MQ-9 Reaper from Hobby Kin

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