Michael Cook's Discussions (3)

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So frustrated!! Please Help...

So I have the Flight Planner downloaded, and I have the Ardupilot sitting next to the computer plugged in. But when I go to connect with it through flight planner it does not connect! Am I missing something?

Thank you for any help that anyone may give

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I don't get it!

I have just put together Sparkfuns xbees wireless communicates kit together and I can't get it to talk with my arduino board through the Arduino Comply software! Plus I have a question if you unplug the arduino board does it loose the code that was u

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What's Next?

So I Just got the Arduino Mega Board. And I don't know what to do next.. I don't know how to use this board or where to find the code for the Quadcopter. Is there anyone that can point me in the right direction? I am really new to the whole Build you

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