



Visalia, CA

About Me:

I am a fourth year undergraduate bioengineering student at UCSD. I'm working on restoring sight to the blind using retinal prosthetics at the Shiley Eye Institute. I'm also very interested in cognition, intelligence, and memory as well as using neural implants to aid sufferers of Alzheimer's.

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

I am interested in building a UAV that can observe birds in the wild, specifically Corvids (crows and ravens). I want to be able to follow them to their nest and observe their behavior in a way ethologists (study of behavior of animals) could only have dreamed of a decade ago.



Activity Feed

William Coulter replied to William Coulter's discussion Desire to observe wildlife with drone. Overwhelmed by options
"Thank you for the in-depth replay Marc! Hovering would definitely be a challenge to overcome, and I didn't think what you said could be done (with a boatload of time) would be possible.
Perhaps it isn't realistic, but I think it's quite fun to…"
Jun 20, 2015
William Coulter replied to William Coulter's discussion Desire to observe wildlife with drone. Overwhelmed by options
"Thank you for sharing your experience with us. There was actually a research paper recently published which looked into how birds respond to different approach angles and approach speeds.When you say, "a big zoom" is a problem on a drone, could you…"
Jun 20, 2015
William Coulter replied to William Coulter's discussion Desire to observe wildlife with drone. Overwhelmed by options
"Thank you for the quick reply. It seems that my desire can't be met, but you are right about perhaps finding someone else with one. I have nesting ideas for the drone so that it doesn't need to hover, of course this would be difficult. Regardless,…"
Jun 19, 2015
William Coulter posted a discussion
Thanks for letting me into the community, I've heard great things! I'm an undergraduate engineer interested in bird behavior of crows and ravensDesire: Observe the birds near the cliffs of UCSD (about 1 mile off campus), which is where I think the…
Jun 19, 2015