
I had a tilt in my first maiden flight test with my new quad, and I am now going through the check list.

When performing a motor test in CLI, one motor is not spinning in the sequence, but when I spin up the motors manually with my TX, the motor spins fine.

1. Anyone had this problem?

2. could this explain the tilt?

3. should I just ignore it?

I am running firmware 2.9.1b, and the newest mission planner (sorry I don´t have the MP version number here, but I updated it a couple of days ago).

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  • You sure all ESCs are calibrated to the same range?

    It could also be that the small throttle value output by the CLI test is borderline for your ESCs. I know they increased that value a little in v3.0. I know in 2.9.1 when I did the test on my quad the motors only shift a tiny bit, not spin, because I've got the ESCs set to soft-start. In 3.0 they do spin a little during the test.

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