

If anyone has any issues or logs to analyze please post them here. I've also updated the Wiki to detail out all of the AP mission scripting commands. If any command doesn't work as expected please post that here as well.

You can also post issues to the Bug list here:


BTW, I just updated the Firmware version so settings will be cleared. You'll have to redo the level, radio, compass, etc for this version. This is to ensure no bad EEPROM values cause conflicts in flight.


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  • Flying very nicely thanks for the effort!


    Here is the issue.


    A while ago when GPS' synced, the little blue led would become solid however the red led on the board would still flash.  Went away for a while but looks like its back since 2.0.45.  Rebooting APM once or twice seems to make the red LED solid again.  Confirmed with telemetry and APM Planner.




  • @Balloon

    on my Fyetech X4 I flew default PID was great hold but was a bit sluggish specially with wind blowing. I raised loiter P 0.75 Nav_p 4.5 but was too much for me



    Thanks for that tho I also seen that since v33 but never did find means to use it. On my Fyetech X4 unshielded 30cm servo cable with ferrite ring no pulsing good holding. On the small Spy I removed the sonar (2 wire shielded) as I want to push the baro since the application I require to do would be above 12ft. I can plug it anytime (i think I will get good result once I get the PI right), its easier to get the sonar to work well but the baro is more finicky so I want to tune it well.  On all version I normally would just lower it a tad to removed the pulsing but still get good response on aggressive maneuver. It is a must to tune stab/rate PI well before proceeding.

  • After a few more flights on 2.0.47, stab/rate PI is getting pretty spot on but still need to tweak my alt_hold before I can move to CIRCLE

    Fyetech X4:

    RTL - was great yaw hold was perfect

    STAB + SIMPLE was great

    LOITER was still ok I raised Loiter P but too aggressive for my taste

    ALT_hold is ok but still needs a few tweaks as it still climb and drop when doing aggressive turns

    CIRCLE will be tested once alt_hold is fix


    ALT_hold still pulsing even P at 0.4 but is not as bad as 0.45 will drop a bit more

    STAB and STAB+SIMPLE was great

    - I can let go of stick for a min with minimal drift (mild breeze to none)

    - Its like in LOITER minus the back and forth movement (but with slight drift)

    - I can pirouette in a 3foot diameter (like in v42) (7:24 on the vid)

    LOITER/RTL/CIRCLE will tested once ALT_Hold has been sorted out. I wanted to enable ADC as well to test it out

    OnBoard vid (60% of the time I have no throttle input)

    (landing shows the disadvantage of a pingpong ball on LG they tend to bounce)


  • Had a great time with the quad build in the park this afternoon.

    Attached is the flight log today. It was zoomed around much.

    Loiter, Altitude hold, in simple mode worked well. 

    Having to deal with both software and hardware implementations it is important that the

    hardware (architecture) assures a capability with the controlling software.

    Jason is very close.



  • Developer
    I was wondering about the circles. It's almost like the declination on your Compass is slightly off.

    Can you send me a log file of a bad RTL flight? That would clear it up very quickly.
  • Obstacle avoidance.


    In the Maxbotix tutorial page, there is a simple way to use several sonar at the same time. Maybe this is usefull to design an "Obstacle avoidance" system for AC2.


    6f) How can I chain multiple MaxSonar® sensors together?

  • Testing 2.0.46: LOITER


    LOITER, is much better than in 45 but still doing circles. This happens mainly in calm wind conditions more than in wind (just the oposit as before). I think that can be improved with more PID tunning. Below some pictures of present situation (default PIDs). I´ve always obtain a perfect circle with radius of 2.5 m  (not bad for a LOITER):





  • More test under 2.0.46, RTL issue


    I´ve concentrated in RTL issue commented by Cybercrash and others.

    RTL Issue: sometimes RTL works partially, that is, it comes to launch place but continue the way without loiter in.


    I´ve reproduced the problem in about 50% of the RTL I´ve tested (I did many, obviously in same PID conditions).  Below some pictures:

    Succesfull RTL: GREEN= stable travelling out, GREEN= RTL, BLUE = final loiter



    Succesfull RTL: PINK= stable travelling out, RED= RTL, ORANGE = final loiter3692281039?profile=original


    NON succesfull RTL: BLUE= stable travelling out, PINK= RTL, no final loiter



    NON succesfull RTL: YELLOW= stable travelling out, RED= RTL, no final loiter

    In this case we can see that it tries to stop in the good place, but it decides to continue.



    Conclusion: for some reason after RTL start to work well and brings to home the copter, when at home LOITER is not activated and continue traverlling out without limit. This can be seen in the .kml file that, when a bad RTL occurs, there is not a "loiter" log after a "RTL" log.

    2011-10-04 08-37 2.kmz

  • Finally after days of raining got a chance to test my 2 frames. They have 2 interesting result


    My fyetech X4 has always been the reliable one

    - lowered STAB/RATE P = 3.4 / 0.1

    - lowered ALT P = 5.0

    - default loiter

    Loiter was stable and I can even push it hard and deflect but would slowly creep back. Not sure how accurate this is but here is the loiter on google earth 3.8m diamter on baro and about 3.7m on sonar. ALT_hold needs to be adjusted as agressive flying causes it to drop close to the ground. May need to raise P back but lower the I on ALT_HOLD


    My SmallSpy with gopro onboard (Sonar removed)

    - lowered STAB/RATE P

    - lowering the THR_P close to half still pulsing may try I

    did not try loiter as alt_hold was unpredictable. Stab mode is ok bur still need tuning still now perfectly leveled like in v42/43 even with my custom PID

    Throttle baro graph




    - No more weird throttle drop outs switching modes

    - Good loiter like v38/42/43 (at least for the X4)




    Do you think the reason we all have different GPS results is because of EMI? I've been creeping around other forums specially on Xaircraft and DJI WK-M and both of them attempts to move the GPS/Compass away from other elec and shield them. Dont think MK is bother with this but wondering if its time to sheild GPS cable and move it far away like in the heli section.

  • Developer
    If your GPS is not recognized, It can take 30 seconds to time-out at startup.
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