

If anyone has any issues or logs to analyze please post them here. I've also updated the Wiki to detail out all of the AP mission scripting commands. If any command doesn't work as expected please post that here as well.

You can also post issues to the Bug list here:


BTW, I just updated the Firmware version so settings will be cleared. You'll have to redo the level, radio, compass, etc for this version. This is to ensure no bad EEPROM values cause conflicts in flight.


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  • For me the "time-to-arm" took at least 30sec up to a minute.


    I haven't tried 2.0.45 again, because a prop broke at the end ... totally my fault. ;-)

  • @Helldesk: 

    It's more than a moment. It was 30-40 secs mybe a minute. Not really sure.
    Since it happened two times, the first time I disconnected the battery, the second time I waited a little, and went to get the laptop to connect, but then it just lit up.

    If it happens again I will try to keep track of the time passed.


  • Using .46 and solving a vibration issue the quad copter flew very stable today.

    I added a 1 oz weight along with a neoprene foam mount as seen on the picture.

    The weight will be melted, molded and moved below the APM board and attached with holtmelt in time.

    There was a right roll tendency before, now it is gone. The copter grew vibrations over time. The props and motors are all balanced well. Attached is the log file of todays flight using 12X3.8 props that swash a lot of vibration also. The roll averages steady horizontally :-)3692280373?profile=original

    2011-10-03 04-11 3.log

  • Hello, testing .46 I also had the same behaviour CyberCrash had:

    "4. There was a strange arming error at the beginning. I just flashed the copter with the new firmware and did the setup. Then out in the field I tried the arm it (after GPS lock), but it wouldn't arm. I connected my Netbook to the copter and entered the radio setup...again. Suddenly I saw the copter arming. I don't know why it wouldn't arm the first time."

    Before arming GPS lock was active (red led on), arming the motros put the green led on, but I had no response from the motors. I couldn't even disarm. No input control.
    After a while motors started spinning, and everything was fine, arm/disarm was working as expected.





  • Hello!


    the MP 1.0.75 is mentioned here.


    Cannot find it in the download section, all I see is 1.0.68.


    Where can I download it?




  • Test on 2.0.46


    Some more test results:


    AUTO test:

    Below is a simple AUTO path. Flight result is quite good

    3692279935?profile=originalThe same path repeated several times:


    LOITER test under baro (12 m height). Altitude error remains inside 3-5 m height ; position inside a circle <5m diameter).

    LOITER under sonar height is better (about 3 m diameter)






  • I managed to finally get a few flights (4) in today on what appears to be 2.0.46, but still reports as 2.0.45 after downloading from the 1.0.76 MP in the CLI. 

    At first I had no end of trouble in stable mode.  My arducopter quad was unstable in the pitch and roll axis even though I would not rate the wind very high (5-8 km/hr) or that gusty.  I have been analyzing the logs and think what I have is too much noise on the APM IMU signals.  I managed to get some recommended starting Stabilize Pitch / Roll values from Jani for the large motor (880Kv) and 12x 4.5 prop arducopter I fly and this made a big difference.  I switched from the default 2.0.46 Pitch / Roll Stabilize values of P 4.2 and I 0.001, IMAX 0.0 to P3.0, I 0.008 and IMAX 5.  I then had more relaxed flight not fighting the controls to stay level.   It still needs more tuning but I need to first fix a few more things.


    ALT HOLD did not work for me at all.  One flight the copter climbed away and two other times it just lost altitude until I switched back to Stabilize mode to catch the throttle again.  Looking at other log posts I still have too much noise. Which I will deal with in another post.


    One thing most annoying was the copter continued to roll right more and more over time requiring increasing manual stick correction.  I landed a few times, waited and this seemed to help.  I then checked my IMU shield to see if the sensor filters where soldered an they are not. Doh!  I have read the forum posts on the sensor filters but I am not sure if the software is now at such an advanced stage these are not required?   I am assuming the down side of enabling the filters is signal attenuation i.e some loss of sensor sensitivity.  Looking at my baro reading in the attached log I would say there is a noise issue?  It just fluctuates negative and positive. 


    Taking into account my quads issues I think the latest code is looking very good in stable mode.  I hope to fix the noise issues up soon to do proper testing. It would be nice to at least once see the darn thing maintain ALT hold. By the way the attached log is just all stable mode flying.


    Here is the log of my last flight on 2.0.45 (aka 2.0.46 I think) The firmware is now on 110 so something new came with the marked 2.0.46 code download I did. 




    2011-10-03 06-35 2 2.0.46.log
  • This is a log today with a custom bulid.

    I hope to dampen hardware vibrations as much as possible:-)

    Channel 7 had an option to the ADC Filter.

    When Ch 7 was on it was jumpy with a vibrating frame. Like the gains were set too high.

    There was no difference with the ADC option when the copter vibrated less.



    2011-10-02 .log
  • Today I flew the 2.0.45. The flight was very great. Thanks for the hard work you've put into it.





    The Quad was unbelievable stable and easy to control. LOITER worked kind of. The Position hold worked really nice, but the copter always gained or lost hight. Sometimes the copter would slowly drift and touch the ground and 1minute later during another LOITER test the copter would rise and rise and rise....


    Please: Give us Position Hold so I can control the hight manualy!  Please!



    I also tried the circle feature: Wow, it was so amazing to see the copter circle high above my head.


    But: The in a way the same problem LOITER showed before. This time the copter always startet climbing. Slowly, but steady.

    I love that circle feature. My brother used my videogoggles to see our home town. He was so amazed.



    RTL: I tried it several times, but each time the copter just keept going somewhere else. Very strange. Okay, the copter wasn't very balanced and I didn't seem to be able to get access to the 45sec flight autotrim feature.

    But LOITER kept the copter from wondering off. RTL just flew the copter in one direction, totally random, but in a streight line.


    4. There was a strange arming error at the beginning. I just flashed the copter with the new firmware and did the setup. Then out in the field I tried the arm it (after GPS lock), but it wouldn't arm. I connected my Netbook to the copter and entered the radio setup...again. Suddenly I saw the copter arming. I don't know why it wouldn't arm the first time.


    Please think about adding POSITION HOLD. This would help me and many others a lot.

  • Afernan, u4eake nice, i'm waiting to see the videos..... I saw that on MP firmware the 2.0.46 version is available. After installation , tried the CLI mode and there is writing (on startup) that i have 2.0.45 firmware version ?!?!

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