Unexpected RTL mode switch

Hi guys,

I've been trying to analyze 2 unexpected RTL mode switch I had in 2 days. I was flying my octocoper with AC3.0.1 on it in stabilize mode. Flying perfectly. Then switched to Loiter, and it was ok. Back to Stabilize then it started to climb alone and not responding to my RC, a few meters away from me. It crashed right into a tree and 4 props broken :( I just downoaded the Tlogs and wanted to see if someone could confirm that the APM went into Failsafe mode by itself itself. In the logs I can see the mode went to RTL many times, but I cannot really understand why it did it. By the way, I just installed a new radio system, with the Fr-Sky DJT Tx and the D8r II plus as receiver. Failsafe is set to send no signal to the APM. 

Attached the log file. Let me know your thoughts !




2013-08-12 11-05 25.kmz

2013-08-12 11-05 25.log

2013-08-12 11-05 25.log.gpx

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  • if you have a dataflash log that would be helpful.

    sounds like a failsafe was activated. It would be very easy to see which failsafe was set off within a dataflash log (plug your APM into mission planner and download log under 'terminal')

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