3.0.1 compass test

Hi everybody,

I'm running arducopter 3.0.1 (hexa X configuration) on Mission Planner 1.2.69 with internal magnetometer.  For some reasons the copter did not arm last time and I realized that on CLI mode under test->compass the magnetometer did not respond any value. All the other sensors work ok. 

I tried to install the 2.9.1b firmware again and suddenly the test on the compass (test->compass) was successful again. With 3.0.1 firmware of course, in loiter mode the copter did not hold position and tended to move away from the position where it was supposed to loiter.

Do you know if this is a bug ? I am not able to fly the copter with 3.0.1 for this reason, but the strange thing is that this problem happened suddenly, after 2 or 3 flights where I was able to test the loiter and alt hold successfully before this problem happened. 

Can anyone help me?

Thank you


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  • I dont know if its related but i am having similar issues with a 2.5 in that it flat refuses to setup the compass radio and gps. If i reinstall 2.91b all is good.

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