I have spent this evening tuning PIDs (well actually, just P's and D's, and not I's)on my 4s Tarot 680Pro build and have noted some strange results which I hoped I could get some info on whether this is normal for a hexa build such as mine. I did all this in Stabilize mode - I'm hoping that is valid for doing this tuning (as not much of a rates mode flyer yet)?

My initial Stabilize P (Roll, Pitch) values were 7.9, and I reduced these a little (to 7.5) before messing with the Rate (Roll/Pitch) P and D values. (incidentally, my I values are set at 0.15 - these weren't touched during this tuning exercise)

I started messing with Rate P values initially, setting Ch6 on a pot to adjust between 0.15 (my initial value) and 0.30 (the max for these P parameters). I managed to get all the way up to 0.3 and still no oscillation on Pitch or Roll, so I am at max P with no oscillation. I then moved onto D values -

I set Ch 6 to adjust the Rate D values with the min at 0.01 (my initial value) and max at 0.02 (the max value for this parameter). Again I got all the way to 0,02 with no D oscillations.

So I am set at maximum rate P and D values for Pitch/Roll with a really locked in feel - My question: Is it normal to get these values on max with no noticeable oscillations?

My hexa is:

  • Tarot 680Pro
  • Pixhawk (clone) running f/w: 3.2.1
  • Sunnysky x4108s 690kv motors with 1355 CF props
  • Hobbywing X-Rotor 40a ESCs (stock f/w)
  • Ublox m8n GPS raised on stick
  • 2 x 25c 4s 5000mah in parallel (Zippy Compact)
  • extra 400g load in centre to simulate gimbal and GoPro weight.
  • All up weight 3.6Kg

Would be very grateful for any advice etc.

Cheers, Paul

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