Hi all,

I am looking with interest this camera gimbal 3 axis


my doubt are about servo and apm 2.5 firmware... they dont seems to be directly attacched but have a ratio of 1 to 5 .. so I'm wondering if I get change in 180/5 degrees or should I use rotary engines and place the pot on the larger disk

any idea or suggestion?


Schermata 2012-11-27 alle 17.34.03.png

Schermata 2012-11-27 alle 17.34.32.png

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  • Hi,

    I have just completed my build with the exact same gimbal
    I'm planning on doing a buildlog on how I did it, since it was not straight forward.

    As you probably have found out there is somewhere between little and no build-instructions.

    The machining is also so and so, there is many parts which needed some adaptation before they could be used. I also found out that I had to strip it down to a 2-axis gimbal to get it steady enough.
    Also I had to devise a way to get it to be a closed-loop controlled gimbal, because of the further downgearing you have to modify the servos both for multiturn and external potmeters. (APM also dont support angular rate based stabilization, just the absolute position (which is realy the only thing worth using))

    One last thing is to get FAST servos, I was using 0.15 sec/60 servos. These were way to slow and I'm now waiting for 0,05 sec/60 servos.
  • Stefano,

    Geared reduction on external, mutli-turn pots, on the final axis drive shaft, give excellent results, IMHO. There are some very precise antenna trackers out there using this with the APM for accurate positioning. You're definitely on the right path.

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