3 devices sharing din/dout for telementry and osd?

I have an Xbee explorer board connected to a Mikrokopter board to xmit telemetry info to another XBee connected to my laptop. The link works great, never had an issue. I just added a EPI OSD onboard that connects to the same din/dout as the XBee but because of the collisions etc the OSD isn't working properly. I can unplug the Xbee and everything works fine.

Does anyone know of a way to connect these 3 devices? Is there such a thing as a "splitter" that will stop the collisions etc? I am guessing daisychaining isn't an option.

Thanks for any info.

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  • Developer

    I have had poor to mixed results so far with both on same port, when plain text is sent to OSD it interferes with MavLink.

    I am now attempting to use Port 0 with 4 pins added for TM to xBee 900 Pro only and Port 3 for Remzibi_OSD shared with FTDI using a cable for monitoring on bench/ground, I get poor GCS performance sometimes 4 second latency and unable to read/write waypoints reliably, fails after 1 to 5 WP are sent/read, but will finally read all 13 OK after 5-8 retries,  OSD is very robust so far. I use a Y splitter to read /write to Port 3 with Sf 5v FTDI in the middle. OSD tx & rx are parallel with FTDI. Do NOT connect 5+ volt lines from APM or OSD to FTDI connection. Keep both 5+ lines insulated don't connect either to anything. I am testing slower speeds to see if it will improve WP read/write commands.

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