I have had several long flights when the Xbee 2.4GHz S2 communication stopped around 30minutes after power up.  This may be something to do with ubunutu/netbook settings instead of the Xbees. 

I couldn't find anything in the forum on this. Please let me know if this is a known Xbee problem.

Regards Matt

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  • Moderator
    There is a known service cycle dropout issue with some models.

    I do not use the Xbees so I don't have any details, but I know it hasbeen discussed at great length here and at rcgroups.
  • Did you have a screensaver or something else?

    How is configured your netbook about the power saving ( stopping HDD or USB) when the netbook is in idle mode?

  • Have used XBee Pro 900 and XBP 2.5GHz modems without issues on long flights...  Also have not seen any info on dropouts after 30 mins??

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