3D Robotics Iris update

Thought I'd pass on this tidbit for anyone else who's been waiting for their Iris pre-order to arrive.  I got the following message earlier today from 3DR support:

"Dear customer,

We are contacting you today in regards to your order xxxxxx, containing an Iris.

We have been informed that due to some improvements on the product, all Iris orders are being delayed and expected to be shipped early February, as an estimate.

We are working very hard to improve the design to guarantee you all, the best quality in our products.

We appreciate your ongoing loyalty to us as well as your understanding.

Please let me know if I can further assist you."

Agh!. But I guess it's better for them to make fixes (uh, sorry... "improvements") before we get it rather than after.

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  • How big are the molded parts? What are the max dimensions required?

  • Still no shipping to Europe :/

    • This is what I got as an answer concerning the shipping delays to europe:

      What a joke


      Thank you for contacting 3D Robotics.

      We are more than glad to ship to Europe! Feel free to place an order on http://3drobotics.com/ and we will happily send it to you.

      In which country are you located? are you looking for a local distributor?

      If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to reply to this email.

      Thank you.
  • My experience thus far with 3DRobotics has been less than stellar. Rather than rant in two places, here's a link to the original post explaining my unboxing shock: http://diydrones.com/forum/topics/needed-iris-quality-control
  • I love the cases you and 3DR are selling. But let me ask you: aren't LiPo batteries only allowed as carry on luggage on planes?

    Wouldn't it be better in this case to have a case that is more flat, for instance by detaching the long legs and reducing the height? Isn't there a way to make a case that is FAA carry-on compliant? 

    I'd rather check in the clothes and carry my Iris when traveling.

  • I ordered my Iris and gimbal back on Feb. 19. At the time, the 3DRobotics website said it would ship in 1-2 weeks. Perfect, I thought...I would have it in plenty of time for an upcoming trip to Cancun. Just to be sure, I tweeted to the company and asked about shipping...to date there hasn't been any response. So I went ahead with my order on the 19th and waited a week. The following Wednesday I sent message through the website asking if I would be receiving a tracking number. The next day a company rep responded and said they would send a tracking number when it ships, but gave no other details on the status of my order. So on Thursday morning I saw they the had updated the website and now offered a custom case for the Iris...perfect! I emailed the company right away and asked if I could add the case or if I should add it separately so as not to slow down the shipping of my other order (the Iris itself). I got a response back Friday afternoon saying they had added the case to my order and that "READY TO FLY Copters/Planes could take from 2 to 3 weeks to be shipped to our customers, for the reason that they are Custom made orders."

    Soooo, the big question I sent right back is whether or not the Iris will arrive within the next week and a half...and of course, no response (yet).

    I should have done more research and wished I would have come across this thread so that I could have known about 3DRobotics' reputation with customer service. I am really hoping I have my Iris in time for the trip, but it seems apparent I shouldn't expect much from this company based on others' feedback. Slow, inconsistent communication is certainly not the way to build brand loyalists.
    • Quick update: I called the company today and they said it may ship this week or next week. Either way, as long as i get it by the end of March I should be okay. I know this Iris will be worth the wait, but hopefully someone at 3DRobotics will remove the 1-2 week reference considering their turnaround time seems to be more like 3-4 weeks. Under-promising and over-delivering would be a much better service approach (especially with new customers), but in the end if the product is as good as others are claiming then much of the service issues will eventually be forgiven.
    • Ryan-  Have you tried calling them directly with your concerns?  Sometimes they need to override automated ordering systems in cases like this.  I am also an IRIS dealer and carry both the cases and the IRIS kits as well as our new custom Spec Ops package that includes everything like 5.8 GHZ video downlink, case, etc.  Unfortunaley we just shipped our last one yesterday.  We should have more kits and cases next week if you don't get anywhere with 3DR.

      My site is www.blackopsdrones.com is case you're wondering.

      • Good advice, Adam. I will call them tomorrow. Great site, btw!
  • FYI, I just received a shipping notification! I ordered on November 26th. And, the weather is starting to warm up just in time!

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