3d robotics props

I had some trouble with my hexcopter on its maiden voyage. I flew the copter and got it in the air, then a few seconds later one of the props flew off along with the top of the motor nut. I have a video of it for you to look at. Any one know a fix to this?

Hexcopter for diy drones video.m4v

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  • Moderator
    Hi Graham,
    I'm not sure if this is still an issue for you, but there have been a few posts about this. I also used to suffer from props coming off until I changed to eflite porp adapters. I also put a very small dab of removable loctite on the motor shaft and finally tightened with a torque wrench. 3dr now ship their motors with a different type of adapter (similar to what tiger motors use) so hopefully that should reduce the problem.

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