I was wondering if anyone knows how to set up the FlySky Transmitter to go into IOC or Simple mode by using one of the switches?

I like this feature on the Phantom but for some reason it seams to be missing form the 3DR Iris.


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  • https://www.facebook.com/groups/635611993176188/ 3D Robotics IRIS Owners Page


  • You will need to set it up using mission planner. THeres a screen called something like basic config and it has several boxes titled pids. You will also find two drop downs one for channel 7 and 8. Each drop down will have actions that are available for each switch. One of the switches is simple mode andother will be Return To Land. Another option is the flight mode screen. You can setup a 3 or 6 mode switch and pick your flight modes. There are dropdowns for each of the 6 possible settings and checkboxes next door that says simple etc.

    You will know it when you see it. 

    • Hi, Thanks mP1, however I'm on a Mac and don't have access to a wIndows machine. Is there an equivalent for Mac users? Please say yes ;-)

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        • HI Troy, downloaded it but cant seem to find where the IOC settings are. How do you update the FlySky Transmitter to use on of the switches to set the Iris to IOC? Sorry if this sounds dumb but I'm really quite new to this and find it a bit confusing. 

          I's also like to know how you update the firmware and on the iris and the pixhawk flight controller. There seems to be very little step by step instructions anywhere.

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