3DR Quad/x8 or Y6 frame files

Hi guys,

I've been searching the last few days for schematics or CAD files for the now discontinued frames from 3DR (Quad/X8 specifically) without any luck. Almost every promising link leads to a dead site due to rehosting/migrating of info.

I was wondering if these files were available in the first place, or if someone who had the frame in his hands took the measurements from it.

I know there are plenty of frame options online but i really like the design on those ones. The body plates aren't huge but in comparison with the common available stuff, but that extra space is what i need for mounting stuff. (volume-wise not payload-wise)

I'm working on collaborative/squad flight in exterior environments for my thesis, and for field testing I tried to acquire some kits last Decemeber (in order to have homologous platforms). Unfortunately I had a terrible experience with 3DR, where I was left waiting for almost 2 months for those kits. Since the kits or any info weren't showing up I had to reach support and get a "Whoops we messed up in inventory and we won't be able to fulfill your order and get refunded". Geeez two months lost and i got informed because i reached to them and not the other way around. Anyways I'm just ranting now sorry :P.

I hope I can get some help in this matter guys, Thanks.

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