3DR radio and Samsung Galaxy Tablet

I picked up a cheap Samsung tablet to use with Droidplanner and the 3DR 915 radios I have. The 3DR comes with a cable for connecting to tablets, mini USB on both ends, but the cover is blue on one end--which I understand is supposed to go into the tablet. When I connect the Galaxy to the radio it doesn't power up--I don't get the green power-on light that generally flashes until the radio pairs.  The radio works fine on my laptop. 

Any ideas? is there some driver required for the tablet?

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  • Sir, 

    There are issues with the 7" tab. I forgot what it actually is but I think it is something with the hardware that does not allow it to "export" power or something. You can google it and find the exact reason. Regardless I plan to use the Samsung 7" as my GCS but will be looking to a blue tooth remote bridge for my setup. 


  • For what it's worth, I went out tonight and bought a Galaxy Tab 4 so I could try out Droidplanner. I've never used an android device, and like most guys, pulled the tablet out and turned it on and proceeded to try to connect without reading any instructions. I downloaded the Droidplanner app and plugged the 3DR radio in using the same blue cable you mentioned. Lights started to flash, I clicked Connect and it connected right away. The only thing it asked for was permission to download a high quality voice file, which I allowed. Didn't have to download anything else. Did you get any lights at all when you plugged it in?

    Just remembered also, when I plugged in the radio it asked which app I wanted to use with the USB device, which of course I selected Droidplanner...

    • Same with me on my Tab 10.1 Pro, works fine.
    • It's at my shop and I don't recall, it's a Samsung 7", probably a Tab 3. I don't get any indication that it is powering the 3DR radio.

  • Exactly what Galaxy tab are you using? I have the note 10.1 and have the same prob. Any new updates?

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