"That board looks fried to me. The controller (correct term?) behind the solder joint looks melted. I would contact 3DR and see if they'll replace it under warranty. Smoke from an esc to me would make not trust that part again in the air."
"It's technically possible but probably not worth the effort unless it's just for learning purposes. It would probably have are hard time flying with that extra weight. The motors and frame would be the only parts saved.
"Is there something attached to the D4R-II receiver in the Iris?. I'm curious as to how they did telemetry. There are mods that can be done to the transmitter to receive telemetry but I'm not sure how they did it.
"If you do get that and a 12v power supply make sure and get at least 6A. Mine is 3A and the charger will stop if I do more than about 2.8A. I'll probably get a 10A power supply at some point."
"I like this one but it doesn't come with a power supply. I had a 12v power inverter anyway. For the price it's a great little charger that will charge at 1C up to a 6000mah battery.
"I use Tagg but it's a paid service. You do get what you pay for and its a cheap insurance for an expensive setup. It's a satellite based service so it's good anywhere.
"I have the QU4D and its a great platform but if I could do it again, I wou have waited for the MAVRIK. It pretty much addresses everything that I would change about the QU4D and its not too much more expensive for what you get.
"It's in limited production for testing. They call it the Explorer program, a limited amount of people are part of that program. Not sure if they are still taking requests but it was $300 to get a unit and start using it. Not sure what it'll be when…"
"Yep, just match the colors of the wires. Cut/solder/heat shrink one wire at a time so there is no risk of shorting. Don't cut both at the same time or the blade will short the battery and you'll have a fire.
"That's the pack that I have. Cut the connector off of the AA holder and spliced it to the new battery. Just don't short the wires and triple check the polarity.
I also have the smartie parts board. It wouldn't connect to my Mac until I reloaded the…"