Hi folks,

does anyone have this same problem? My 3DR radio (433MHz) works fine, the link from my PC to the APM is good.

However, I cannot read the radio settings in MP, after a couple of minutes "Connecting..." I get the message "Failed to go into command mode".

I am out of ideas here..

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  • Instead of MP use 3DR Radio Config Tool

    • Thanks!

      But I still have a problem:

      I can see the settings for the local radio fine, but not for the remote. When I switch on the remote radio, I am no longer able to get into command mode on the local radio. Is this normal?

      • 1. Connect local radio

        2. Load settings

        3. Disconnect local radio

        4. Connect remote radio to PC via FTDI

        5, Save settings

        If above doesn't work - update firmwares and reset both units to default.

        Do you have same FW on both units?

        • OK, did that, and I can see both radios now (see screenshot).

          FW-versions seems to be matching (...right?)

          But I still get the problem in Mission Planner.


          • Yeah, everything seems to be OK.

            In that case I'd try different PC.

            BTW if it's allowed in DE, I'd use higher Tx power, more channels (30 should be OK) and wider range of freq.

            Beside this changing NET ID to anything from default should be reasonable :-)

        • OK,I have to do 4 and 5. I am not sure what FW the remote has, for I never have been able to connect to it.

          Thanks so far, I will post what came off it.

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