3DR Radio retranslator config

I want to make a retranslator to increase a range. With retranslation of the PPM and video signal I am clear but I have some doubts with 3DR Radios.
Will it work?3691142431?profile=original

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  • Very cool! I guess a balloon would work also. It would just be harder to deploy. 

    Are you doing this for a specific project or just for personal use?

    This is a very simple approach, I like it! It would be really interesting if  the retranslator incorporated a Pixhawk or APM which handled message forwarding and then you could create a simple mesh network!

  • It looks possible. Just make sure everything is on the same baudrate. Also a large channel separation between the radio pairs wouldn't hurt. Will another aircraft be carrying the retranslator, or is it ground based? 

    • Will another aircraft be carrying the retranslator, or is it ground based? 

      I think it will be another aircraft :). I presume the range should increase dramatically.

    • He can also use one pair with 433MHz band and another with 868/915MHz.

  • Test it and let us know.
  • Should.

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