I'm using two 915 MHz 3dr radios with a APM 2.6, and I am also using the current version of Mission Planner (1.3.5).

I've spent a significant amount of time attempting to get these radios to work, and I keep having the same issue. When I try and connect the two radios together using the Mission Planner connect button, it hangs on a message saying "Getting Params...(Sysid 1 Compid 1)", and then gives me a connection error.

The odd thing is, that it will connect when I use crtl+t in MP, and it will give me telemetry information. However, I cannot see any of the parameters, nor can I download or send waypoints to the APM. 

I've tried adjusting the airspeed, updating the firmware (tested with SiK 1.7 and 1.9), updating Mission Planner, verifying that all the parameters in each radio are correct, verifying that I am using the correct baud rate. I even checked to see if any of the pins were poorly soldered. I'm unsure what else to check. If anyone has seen and solved this issue, help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Did you figure it out?  I am having the same issue as you describe.

    • Problem solved.

      I broke open my APM and checked the soldering on the TX/RX pins. There was a short (poor solder point) between the RX pin and an adjacent pin. After removing the short everything started working.

    • Still no results. I contacted 3dr and they determined that my radios were broken. I had them RMA'd, got them in yesterday, installed, and still same issue.

      I contacted them again, if I find a solution I'll post it. 

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