Hello! I'm a student of computer science and trying to develop algorithms for drone object tracking for my course project. But I think that those tools are really not applicable for developers:

- GoPro Hero4 closed live streaming possibility (while it was on Hero3). All solutions call VLC player or FFplayer and nothing how to put this stream into OpenCV (into VideoCapture method). Also, in those players stream comes with a big delay. Are they encoded or what?

- Solo's dev guide says, that streaming from Solo to computer is not implemented, yeah. By the way, to get stream from camera's Wi-Fi, not from Solo's, is not a good solution because of range. 

Am I doing something wrong? Did anyone make them working together? Any suggestions? 

PS In addition, its STABILIZE mode is not stable at all, but this is the only mode applicable indoors. 

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  • this example is made using windows, but may have something useful on that topic anyway: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6n3rQbMYmc

  • Andre, thank you for your answer! I have seen that article, but I do not need on-board computation. And also, I've seen that I can watch stream through VLC (and did it already), but still, how to send (or get) them directly to OpenCV on my computer? 

    For now, I have seen only to add a CAP_FFMPEG in VideoCapture of the OpenCV (making something like cv2.VideoCapture("udp://:8554", cv2.CAP_FFMPEG)). Will try this tomorrow.

    Andre K. said:

    to use Stabilize indoor, you should make sure it does not use GPS, even for EKF, so disable it..

    Have you seen https://dev.3dr.com/example-opencv.html ?

    you should be able to do OpenCV onboard, while " that streaming from Solo to computer is not implemented,"  makes no sense, Solo streams just fine to "any" video player software, with VLC as example.

  • to use Stabilize indoor, you should make sure it does not use GPS, even for EKF, so disable it..

    Have you seen https://dev.3dr.com/example-opencv.html ?

    you should be able to do OpenCV onboard, while " that streaming from Solo to computer is not implemented,"  makes no sense, Solo streams just fine to "any" video player software, with VLC as example.

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