3DR telemetry no longer supported by 3DR....options?

I have been using the 915mhz telemetry v2 units with my Pixhawk for a while now.  One of them is not giving the range that it used to and I need a replacement.

I varified the range with the use of my Fighting Walrus iDrone Link and one unit is getting about 100m range while the other is getting good signal to where my hexacopter is just a spec in the distance.

Problem 1:

I can not get hold of Fighting Walrus any more.  They have not answered my emails since about October of 2015.  I am assuming they are no longer active? (also no updates to their iOS app for almost a year)

Problem 2:

3DR are no longer making their 900 or 433 telemetry units. (verified vie an email to them)

"Hello Justin,

Thank you for contacting 3DRobotics customer service.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, we do not have the Telemetry available anymore since they have been discontinued, both the 915 and 433."

I am using a Nexus 7 v2 Tablet with the Tower App (great app by the way)


Other than the $250 long range 900mhz kits (I don't need/am not allowed to use super long range) or $10 knock 3DR off kits from China (gamble as to whether you get a good one/no warranty), what options are there that are "PnP" ?

I am using a Taranis Plus TX with x8r RX and could use that telemetry but then there is no way to load missions in the field.

Thanks for input


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  • you can still get the telemetry clone from ebay, just change the tx that comes with the clone.

    • When you say "clone" do mean cheap knock-off?  This is what I want to avoid


  • Distributor

    for anybody looking for the original 3DR modules - we still got some 3DR 433 telemetry modules in stock at http://www.uav-store.de/

    This domain may be for sale!
    • I had look, but no any 3DR telemetry modules there... Will send you a message!

  • Developer

    Or if you want hassle free fully assembled sets. You can get those from jDrones store. We are Seppo's original distributor but our telemetry systems are not just telemetry modems, they are whole set with cabling, casing, adapters and filtering electronics.


    We also have older SiK modems but for reliability we prefer RFD kits.

    jD-RF900Plus Longrange
    Long range telemetry set for all your UAV and UAS needs
  • One option available that is relatively inexpensive is the RFD900u modems:


    A pair of these is around $98 USD with the current exchange rate!

    Good thing is these have filtering, low noise receive LNA and diversity antennas and are smaller than the 3DR modules!

    The current version of the RFD900+ is available in a bundle:


    With the current exchange rate, $229.95 AUD is around $161 USD.

    Hope it helps with some options!

    RFD 900u Radio Modem
    RFDesign designs and manufactures the Antennas, RF Electronics and the RFD900 radio modem
    • 100KM

      Seppo,   Thanks for pointing out the rfd-900u radio modem.     That looks like an excellent radio modem.     The antenna cables are reasonably priced too.   They will provide a lot of flexibility in locating the dual antennas.

      I can hardly wait to try one out.

    • Seppo,

      Is there a US distributor for the RFD-900U?  


  • Developer

    Something for all of you to be aware of is that UAV Solutions is one of the most prolific violators of the open source licenses we use in Ardupilot, Pixhawk, and PX4.  Unlike Jani at Jdrones and Seppo at RFDesigns, UAV Solutions is not a supporter of this project. 

    Among the many issues is that UAV Solutions have removed Michael Oborne's name from Mission Planner and rebranded it as their own ground control station which they will happily sell to you as part of a many thousand dollar system.


    I have spoken with UAV Solutions many times and they have no interest in respecting Michael's work or the efforts of the dev team.  They have no interest in respecting the licenses and there is no reason for them to change the way they do business because people buy from them and keep them in business.

    Please support the companies who support this project and who respect the developers and the people who have made this project possible.  UAV Solutions is not one of those companies.

    • ardupilot.com shold have a kudos list of supportive companies and a blacklist for name and shame leeches companies

This reply was deleted.


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