"When I'm testing new drone, especially large one, always doing tethered flight tune. This ensures good stable flights, and no risk to break the new "bird". Moreover I'm living near the airport, where test flights are not possible.
This way you…"
Seems you do not have good accelerometer calibration. I have same issue when move the copter to different location - 20-30 km or more from the previous calibration site.
You should first calibrate the compass and then accelerometer in all…"
"Yes, Pixhawk is very reliable and easy to implement in almost any configuration of octacopter.
But one issue have to note - unmanned copter above 25 kg is not allowed to use in most countries due to number of regulations. You should have special…"
"The tethered tuning must be done outside, between two poles or trees. It is must on large drones. Extended cables are OK, if they do not interfere too much with the compasses of the flight controller.
How to avoid and reduce the power cables…"
I am using tethered set with bungee for all new frames and controllers, for precise manual tune of the PIDs before the first flight.
You can look at my post here.
The procedure is well described here."
"The props making different vibrations, but it is easy to measure those by the smartphone apps like Seismograph.
Y vibrations can be caused by many factors, but seems there the folding legs are the source.
Z vibrations are normal.
Anyway, it is…"
""Clip" represents the max level, the sensors and EKF can manage - it is like the sound, when the level is too high, the amplifier is overloaded, cannot reproduce and "clips" - i.e. cuts the signal.
Looking at the clip diagram, can see how many times…"
"Thanks for the beer proposal! I appreciate that ;-) Never been at Cape Town, and planning to come.
Now the controller seems OK, you can try new autotune for sure - can return existing params anytime. Also can reduce the weight to 20 grams, will be…"
"The good results are with 20-30 grams piece of lead glued below the top plate. It gives the controller platform more inertia.
Rubber dampers cannot work without enough weight."