3DR telemetry no longer supported by 3DR....options?

I have been using the 915mhz telemetry v2 units with my Pixhawk for a while now.  One of them is not giving the range that it used to and I need a replacement.

I varified the range with the use of my Fighting Walrus iDrone Link and one unit is getting about 100m range while the other is getting good signal to where my hexacopter is just a spec in the distance.

Problem 1:

I can not get hold of Fighting Walrus any more.  They have not answered my emails since about October of 2015.  I am assuming they are no longer active? (also no updates to their iOS app for almost a year)

Problem 2:

3DR are no longer making their 900 or 433 telemetry units. (verified vie an email to them)

"Hello Justin,

Thank you for contacting 3DRobotics customer service.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, we do not have the Telemetry available anymore since they have been discontinued, both the 915 and 433."

I am using a Nexus 7 v2 Tablet with the Tower App (great app by the way)


Other than the $250 long range 900mhz kits (I don't need/am not allowed to use super long range) or $10 knock 3DR off kits from China (gamble as to whether you get a good one/no warranty), what options are there that are "PnP" ?

I am using a Taranis Plus TX with x8r RX and could use that telemetry but then there is no way to load missions in the field.

Thanks for input


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    • Great store Bill,

      Thanks for the link


  • there are a million places to get 3dr branded telemetry radios. check out the classifieds on rcgroups.com

    • Ahmed,

      Yes there are.  Just as there are a million places online to by real (cough cough) Pixhawks for $100.

      Buying from the manufacturer guarantees the quality that I am after.


  • Developer

    If you download the latest beta of Mission Planner you can see the radio configuration tab is now labeled as Sik Radio.

  • Many thank's Chris to put in hobbyst people this technology that was exclusively professional users (for cost), now we have many choices to follow with our vicious-hobby, possible that you open the door; my admiration how, with an open source, no secrets you can develop an important company helping others and having profits :O and still participating in this forum as other of Us; the best luck in this new step I'm shure you are going to have it. :D

  • I'll also note that jDrones, another long-time supporter of Ardupilot, is selling an alternative radio system.  In an attractive case no less!


    jD-RF900Plus Longrange
    Long range telemetry set for all your UAV and UAS needs
    • MR60

      Thx for the link. In Europe only a 433 MHz version can be used. Should request that to JDrones.

    • Rob, thanks for the suggestion and I'm sure they are great but my original question was 

      Other than the $250 long range 900mhz kits (I don't need/am not allowed to use super long range) or $10 3DR knock off kits from China (gamble as to whether you get a good one/no warranty), what options are there that are "PnP" ?

       $260 is a lot to spend for a hexacopter that I must still be able to see whilst flying (stupid FAA)


      • If you read my comments you will see that you don't need to spend $250. You get plenty of range by buying a single RFD900 (~$90-$100) for the ground station, and a $15-$20 cheap 100mw china module for the aircraft. I get over a mile and retain 90% rssi or higher. 

        • Chris,

          It looks as though luck was on your side with the cheap China $10 to $15 units.  I have tried some from eBay and Bangood.  This was also part of my original question.  Where to get good quality (not "let's take a gamble") parts.

          Your price is right but not the parts....... for me that is.  My DIY Hex cost me a pretty penny.  I would rather not have it crash due to a $10 clone.



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