3dr Video Kit - Power Question

I will shortly be ordering the 3dr video kit.  It includes a 3s Lipo fo the air and the ground.  Obviously the ground one requires it, but I will probably wire it into my Turnigy 9xr directly. However, for the air I'm wondering why I need a separate 3s Lipo?

I use 4s batteries for primary power. First of all, is the peak 16.8v too much to directly power the vTX and camera?  If so, couldn't I just use a 12v BEC to power the vTX and camera?  Is there a compelling reason NOT to do this?  Another 70 gram battery is huge waste of precious weight.  The mah used by the vTX is way less than what I would lose by adding that extra weight.

For the minimOSD, I understand it will draw power from the APM just like the telemetry radio does.  Is this generally acceptable?  Right now the APM is powering itself, telemetry radio, GPS/Compass module, and the receiver.

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  • You can use 1 battery with a 12v regulator. Sometimes the motor/ESC will make noise in the video image. You may need to add an LC Filter like this one: http://bit.ly/1eQZJb3
    • I had a feeling electrical noise might be a factor.  I will try it with the 12v BEC first.  If it is noisy, I'll fall back to the separate vTX battery.

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