3DRobotics horrible first experience with ordering

Yes, another thread about a horrible experience with ordering from 3DRobotics. I placed an order on the 28th of March, the website indicated that everything ordered was in stock. After numerous emails to customer service I am being given the same run-around that I have seen in threads on this subject spread all over various forums for the last year or so. "Having problems with our order fulfilment system" "Oh it will be shipped no later than Wednesday, the 8th" and then the pure gold one the last one I received "We do not have an ETA for when your order will ship."

So you may be asking yourself, hey Steve if there is so many threads about this why must you post another one and waste our time reading the same crap someone else is ranting about?? Well let me tell you why - in every case of someone posting a thread or tweeting about having problems, they are instantly getting help from someone at 3DR. So I will be tweeting, posting on facebook, and wherever else I think of because as sad as it is that is the only way I am going to get good customer service from 3DR. 

So how about it, 3DR, is Vu Tran available to help me as he has clearly helped others in this situation with some REAL information on what is going on? Please contact me!



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    • 3D Robotics

      Hi Aaron,

      I'm sorry you're having such a difficult time with us at the moment.  Please email me, Vu@3dr.com, your order number and I'll give you a status update.  The backorder status showing in your account is not an accurate reflection of our current inventory.  We're still going through our inventory data scrubbing.  There's a very high probability that your item is in stock.

    • Same here, found your post to late, and wondering if you have any updates on your order. What sort of options do we have to cancel an order?



      • 3D Robotics

        Hi JS,

        I can help you with your order status.  Please send me an email, vu@3dr.com, and so I can get more information on your order.

        While we don't want you to, you can always cancel your order by calling (858) 225-1414 or by emailing us at help@3dr.com.

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