400hz escs for Pixhawk?

I have Afro 30a escs and sunnysky v3508 700kv motors. They are having horrible sync performance with my new pixhawk. Flying with APM before they flew perfectly. I have just gotten this response from 3dr.   

Santiago (3drobotics)

Dec 03 02:16 PM

Hey Jonathan,

Thank you for contacting Technical Support.
Afro esc's do have sync issues because of the rated 1kHz input. The pixhawk outputs at 400Hz and is what to look for when searching for esc's. Officially I can only recommend our 20 amp simon-k esc's. I highly doubt you need higher but tell me a little more about your build and let me check if there is anything that might help with the sync issues.

Best Regards,
[Technical Support Engineer]

Can anyone tell me what 30a escs will work with my pixhawk? I am using 12x6 props and the thurst chart says these motors will pull 22.5a on 12x3.5 props so I think I need to stick with 30a escs. I just want to know what I need to buy to get this thing in the air. 

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  • I am using Pixhawk, Sunnysky 3508 700kv motors, 12"x5.5 props and HobbyWing Platinum Pro 30A esc and they work flawlessly 

  • Hi,

    Im using Afro30A ESC(fimware tgy 2014/09/30) with Pixhawk R2.4(firmware 3.2) Check it out this address for latest firmware of AfroESChttp://0x.ca/tgy/

  • Ulta escs :) not the cheapest (not silly money though) but they are very very nice.

    I am running the same motors as you on bigger props than that (tried 14x7 and 16x5.5). Previously on a quad, and now on an octaquad.


    20A/40A is very conservative. Mine don't get warm. They are usb programmable and have active freewheeling regenerative braking which is great for control.

    I haven't used them on pixhawk, but their specs are good for 400Hz. The chap that designs them is on youtube and rc groups so you could ask direct for pixhawk experience.


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