Flying 'paddleboat' may finally take off

Thought this was pretty neat -- I always wanted a paddle-plane...UAV potential here for sure:A small robotic aircraft powered by rotating "paddle-wheel" wings could yet rule the skies, if renewed interest in an antique design bears fruit.Several international research groups are working on prototype "cyclogyros", a design first proposed more than 100 years ago.A cyclogyro flies using "cycloidal propellers" – several wings positioned around the edge of a rotating cylindrical framework, a bit like a paddle-wheel. As each wing rotates, its blades move through the air generating lift and thrust.And, since each wing rotates through a full circle, altering the angle of the individual blades can pull the aircraft forwards, backwards and down as well up. The manoeuvrability that cycloidal propellers could offer provides benefits over more established flying methods.Although no cyclogyro has yet flown without being tethered, its proponents say the design could prove more efficient and manoeuvrable than helicopters at small scales. A team of Singapore researchers is leading the race to construct a working cyclogyro with a prototype that hovers on the end of a line.Read the rest...

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  • Moderator
    I have seen articles in RC Modeller showing a working radio control model prototype using these paddlewheel wings.

    They can handle a high angle of attack since they do not stall as other wings surfaces do because of the rotating "blades". (probably not what they are called)

    I can see they would have a problem with high speed since they would have a large drag component.

    In guess you could think of the concept as a horizontal gyrocopter. - This website is for sale! - Component Resources and Information.
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