Part Recccomendations for UAV

Hello, I am working on building a UAV fo my master's thesis. I bought a Parkzone Slo-V 3 channel plane to hone my mad flyin skillz. So far I am accomplished at quickly ending my flights by smacking the plane into the ground. I will keep working on that.I am considering the Mini Telemaster Plane. The information I can find says that the plane is very stable and easy to fly. (I am also considering that after a small successful UAV, I would step up to the large 8' wing telemaster)Is this a good airframe to use, and will the lack of ailerons be an issue? Should I go with the viking instead?Also I would like a 5hz GPS, so please recommend one.I am planning to start with an arduino microcontroller.I am also concerned with the Stabilization system. The FMA Direct FS8 system does not seem to be in stock anywhere.This post: the Futaba "pilot assist" sensor. Is that a good replacement for the FS8?I guess that is enough questions for now. Thanks in advance.

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  • 3D Robotics
    If you're using an Arduino autopilot, which is navigation-only, you'll need a separate stabilization system, either the FMA or Futaba systems. That means that you will indeed need 4 channels, including ailerons.

    Although it's bigger than the mini telemaster, the best choice for you may be the electric NexStar, which is a mid-sized trainer that has the Futaba pilot assist system built in:**&P=ML

    There's plenty of room in that for an Arduino development board.
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