UAV helicopter

Hi. I have a RC helicopter and I would like to convert it to semi-autonomous flight. I have a Spartan AP2000i, which works great for stabilising the heli; but now I want to be able to tell the heli to go where I want or program a circuit for it to go around. If possible, different altitudes within the circuit would be great. I know that there are a few off-the-shelf solutions, but what would be the best for helicopters?Thanks for any input.

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  • Hey Folks,
    I just joined this group. Have always been interested in UAV's, done some work on building small autonomous differential drive robots before and I know going to a UAV Heli is nuts, but what the heck.

    I have a T-Rex 250 on its way, I should have it within the next week. Once I have a good feel for it, I plan to get it to auto hover using a Gyro stabilizer. Similar to what Uzi is doing here.

    I am planning on solving the navigation problem (go to coordinate X) using a Gumstix board. I will try to provide updates to this site as I progress.

  • AP2000 is for attitude hold. No-one shoots video from a hover. Go for the Helicommand for position hold if U need it or just talk about it.
  • I was just checking out the Spartan AP2000i and noticed that it does all the CCPM mixing….. Does that mean that you disable all the CCPM mixing in the transmitter??
    If so that would make turning it into a UAV a little easier!! By about 5% :)
  • I'm pursuing the same goal through slightly different means. After seeing so many fantastically cool 4 rotor helicopters, I finally convinced myself to get the parts, so now I have a scratchbuilt and nigh untested quadcopter sitting in the corner of my room, just begging to get a brain. I think Im going to go with a Parallax Propeller for the uC, and am now doing the research to figure out which gyros/accelerometers/other senors to get. I figure that the multi core arcitecture should be great for handling lots of sensor data and the associated calculations while performing navigation and such at the same time.

    Good luck!
  • The Ap2000i is great at holding the bird level. You can basically take-off and land by controlling the pitch only. What I'm looking for is an auto-pilot which would let the helicopter go to different GPS waypoints and also have a back-to-base function.

    A nice feature would be to be able to follow a moving target at a pre-programmed altitude. I know of a few systems on the market, but at $5k, it's a big stretch for me.
  • Hi Uzi, I'm in Melbourne also, How do you find the Spartan AP2000i? Does it work well?
    I have a Align Trex 450 SE V2 that I would like to turn into a UAV one day also but I am starting with a plane first because it is about 100 times eaiser! If I can get that working then I will try out my trex!
    Are you looking for a off the shelf answer or do you want to code something up yourself?
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