Alright.... Still Lost.

A couple of weeks ago I asked how you guys would stabilize and navigate.Chris Anderson said FMA-Copilot and use the rudder to navigateI must say first... FMA rocks, keeps it extremely stable, there might be a tiny amount of elevation loss, but overall it's an amazing little package for it's cost. Our only problem with it had been obtaining one.Anyways, now that we have it stabilizing I've been attempting to control the rudder using the microcontroller as well as the radio. I have a switch setup on the radio to change from auto mode to manual mode.... but i've been trying to read the signals sent by the receiver (Hitec QPCM) and then send them out on another pin for manual control, or just ignore them for automode. However my limited knowledge of programming is hindering me. I'm currently using CCP capture mode, to read the period inbetween signals. However i'm not sure how to get the duty cycle of the help would be appreciated.ways around the software would be even better.

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  • Alright i just did it with a relay.

    I just took the signal wires and hooked them into a SPDT and then sent a signal from the processor to the relay to decide which way to go.

    DOH! Should have thought of that one a while ago.
  • 100KM
    what processor are you using? usually i use pulsein . you dont want duty cycle you want the pulse width.
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