I loaded 2.0.17 with the APM Planner and experienced something I've not seen before. I flew for about 5 or 6 minutes, deliberately not touching the rudder to see if the quad would maintain its heading, which it did. I then gave it a tiny amount of right rudder and it started to slowly rotate and it kept rotating for a couple of minutes. I could not then make it do the same thing with left rudder.
I'm running stock everything, stock settings, with sonar and magnetometer.
I have this issue and it repeats each time I fly, I am stuck with ardupirates until it's sorted :(
I submitted a bug and it was closed, someone opened a new bug (152) and it was closed yesterday....grrrrr
Jason and others,
I just conducted my first flight with a newly built arducopter using 2.0.17
It was my very first quad flying experience and a first flight for the airframe - gotta start somewhere
I just flew around the one area in 'stabilize' mode.
Apart from popping a couple of plastic screws on the landing gear when landing firmly on soft ground all went reasonably well
When I left the controls alone the aircraft flew fairly well apart from some uncommanded slow yaw rotation at one point.
It seems you've updated to 2.0.18 while I've been out flying - something to try later
Here is a Youtube Video of the flight taken by herself with a mobile phone.
A big thank you to Jason and everyone else for producing a product that can work so well first time
I just flew today and had a terrible time with Yaw. same issue. Will revert back to previous update. called 2.0.18.