I've now got my I2C sonar code working with the 2.71 code (ie with the new i2c.h library).Using i2C sonar may allow us to get back into collision avoidance - I'm thinking using sequenced sonars to ping in turn (to avoid intra sonar…"
"Sounds familiar - oh look -> http://diydrones.com/profiles/blogs/creating-an-i2c-sonar-for
Good to see a quality sonar with i2c interface direct from a manufacturer
I've recently been trying to compile my original i2c sonar code into arducopter…"
"To these guys it clearly is a flying object that they can not identify, in other words an Unidentified Flying Object = UFO.
Would not have taken much too identify it.
Bad lazy journalism"
Hello All,After plenty of testing I have concluded that the SRF02 sonar is NOT A VIABLE REPLACEMENT for the Maxbotics MB1200 series of sonars for the downward looking (alt hold) sonar on Arducopters.It may however be OK as candidate for any future…
When comparing a couple of I2C (digital) sonars with the normal (analog) sonars I noticed the range reported by the analog sonar appeared to be wrong. A tape measure proved the digital sonars were spot on and the analog data was well off. Other…
"Had a good couple of flights with 2.0.49 today. Just tested Stabilise, Alt Hold and Loiter. Great results
Loiter was a tiny bit disappointing - in that in Alt Hold with only a slight breeze the aircraft would stay fairly steady in the one place.…"
"Took the arducopter out for a fly today over a nice hard concrete surface below (good for sonar returns)
Here is the plot of I2C Sonar (red) and baro (green) altitudes, also plotted is the throttle (white) and Next Waypoint Altitude (blue)
This blue…"
Back in June, Pieter suggested that we add a form of 'user hook' in to the arducopter code to simplify the use of user written additions or enhancements to the main branch off the arducopter code.The problem we had was that every time Jason released…
"In my testing with using an i2c digital signal from the sonar to the APM I have found I can still get interference if the sonar is to close to the ESCs. So solely shielding the cable is not the ultimate solution to noise. Moving the sonar module 5…"
"What I'd like to do next is use more than two IR blobs in the target. If I can use three or four blobs I can remove any ambiguity with the orientation of the target - presently I cant tell if the target is rotated 180 degs
I'd like to test with 4…"
"Yet another test log - this one showing the rotation (yaw) derived from the Wii camera.
Note the Wii camera is not aligned with the compass - neither is the target. So the rotation is the relative yaw between the aircraft and the target. What is…"