Good source for cheap lipos and other parts

I thought I would let everyone know about They are an excellent place to get lipo packs for about half(!) what they cost from any US source I have found. Their shipping is also reasonable and quick. The last time I ordered from them, I got their package before I received the order I placed from tower hobbies on the same day. They also have a lot of other parts and bits for cheap, like shrink tubing for $0.16/meter.So far I have bought 10 lipo packs and 3 chargers from them, and I have been very happy with the product.The only real downside I have found, is that you have to pay via paypal, but it is not their fault that paypal sucks.

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  • 3D Robotics
    What chargers did you settle on? I find most of them crazy complicated and expensive, and the movement to balancing connectors (of which there seem to be an infinite number of standards) has only complicated things further.

    Want to write a brief primer post on LiPos and charger selection?
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